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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Everyone loves BUFFALO!

Not New York, no one likes that place. I mean the sauce! I crave buffalo sauce on a regular basis. Once someone mentions it or I even smell it, that is all I can think about. I am not ashamed to admit (although maybe I should be) that the sweet spiciness of buffalo sauce has lured me into KFC and other fast food restaurants before. This was actually not something I considered but has haunted me over the past few weeks. I passed on a vegan buffalo chicken wrap because I strongly felt there was no substitute that could even come close. But I was wrong. I have found two products that satisfy the urge. One is a chicken-style seitan and the other is tofu. Both aren't terrible any even got approval of my meat-eating friends. For this, I am very thankful.


It is very early and the weather has taken an ugly turn. Just two days ago I was running at record speed (for me, which still isn't that fast) through unbelievable 65 degree weather. Now I am running from my car through sleet. That's fine, beause it will make me go to bed earlier so I will be ready for the Shamrock Shuffle tomorrow. The Shuffle is an 8k (about 5 miles) run through downtown Chicago. It is a great time because it is fun (despite the weather) and is one of the rare moments when you get to run, legally, down the center of the streets. Last year was cold and snowing with two inches of slush on the ground that had everyone's feel soaking wet long before the start. Tomorrow will be almost the same, but with only one inch of slush. woo hoo, I guess. Tomorrow will also mark the end of week 3. Since I will be running in the morning, I am preparing my first Engine 2 brunch. This should still be delicious, but we'll see. I have settled into the rest of the diet and feel pretty good. Last night's exploration of vegan pizza was less than satisfying, but it got me through some rough cravings. The re-test is scheduled for 9 AM on March 29. I can totally do this.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Half way there!

Today is Monday, March 15 and that means I have successfully completed two weeks of the Engine 2 Diet. Yes, there are things that I miss, but overall I feel great. I have total confidence that I can survive another two weeks. Over the next two weeks I have to run an 8k, move, and keep up with my actual job. Now that I am settled into the program, I think I will be ok. But I am already starting to think about how this month will effect my long-term life. I definitely have added a few foods and recipes to my general kitchen skills. I have also developed good habits like: eating breakfast ASAP, taking daily supplements, avoiding certain foods, and cutting back on late night snacks. Several people have told me that if I do eat meat again it will probably make me sick. A few others have shared stories of the opposite, so I am still planning a feast of meat and cheese (followed by a nap and then a serious work-out).

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Things that have kept me going...

With all of the items on my bad list, here are some delicious ideas that have kept me sane:
1. Frozen grapes. I discovered this when I moved to Missouri in high school. Maybe it is a southern thing? Frozen grapes are a great dessert and don't need any added sugar.
2. Smoothies. Everyone loves smoothies. I typically use a tropical frozen fruit blend from Whole Foods Market (the 365 brand includes strawberries, mangos, and bananas). I add the whole package to a blender with soy milk, SoDelicious plain soy yogurt, and either kale or spinach. Adding greens to the smoothie may seem gross but I tried a sample of it before finding out there were hidden greens inside and couldn't tell. It is sad that I have to play tricks on myself but one salad a day seems like enough to me. I try to get in a serving of greens at dinner too but the smoothie is a good trick.
3. Dark chocolate. It feels like a reward and it isn't terrible for you. The regular bar comes with 18 little squares (6 rows of 3) so I eat three for dessert if I have really deserved it.
4. Whole Foods garden salad- don't forget to switch the dressing to a healthy oil free balsamic but this salad has been a great source of daily veggies and is colorful enough to not feel like punishment.
5. Salsa. I am basically putting salsa on everything. It adds moisture, flavor, and spice to everything.
6. Support. People at work, friends, family, and my partner have been incredibly supportive. I get recipe ideas, a few have decided to eat what I cook, and one even took the time to make a meal for all of us that fit my restrictions (thanks MG!) We have been to more vegan cafes in two weeks than I have in the four years since moving to Chicago. The positive energy has been incredibly helpful.
Only two more weeks!

What I miss most...

This will be torture, but I will be honest. These are the things I crave on a daily basis:
1. French fries. I would kill for a side of fries any time of day. Sweet potatos are great and I have always loved sweet potato fries but I want greasy, heart-stopping, salty french fries.
2. Cheese. I didn't think this would be that hard but I want a chunk of fresh mozzarella to gnaw on, a bowl of pasta with tons of parmesan, and a freshly grilled lump of haloumi with lemon juice.
3. Butter. Again, I didn't think this would be rough but I want to melt butter and dip everything from broccoli to artichokes in it.
4. Ice cream. Sorbet is actually helping with this one so I will be ok.
5. Knives. Of course I use knives when chopping veggies for all of my recipes but I haven't had to use one while eating since starting this. I want to cut into a steak or chicken or something like that. The soft textures of everything I am eating feels weak.
6. Breakfast. This is one sad meal. I don't mind the cereals and I feel much better starting my days with a healthy meal. But I want eggs, bacon, pancakes, and chorizo. Substitutes for these suck. I would rather go without than suffer through a "fake" version. I almost threw that fake bacon out the window. The chorizo was ok though.
7. Ranch dressing. Do not come near me with a vegan version because I find it offensive. Nothing can replace the artery-clogging goodness of real ranch dressing on pizza, onion rings, french fries, chicken strips, etc.

I can't keep this list going, it hurts too much. Time to focus on the positive...

Still going strong!

Ok, I know I have not kept up on my daily food journal. The truth is, the journaling is more difficult than the eating. For some reason writing it out makes it seem so much more difficult. If I read one of you was eating tofu and bean sprouts over brown rice, I would laugh and then order a pizza. Sticking to the diet has not been as hard as I thought. I have severely cut back on all cooking oils but know I probably could have had even less. Tomorrow will mark the end of two weeks, which is my half way point. Half way there!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Food Journal 6

For breakfast I switched up my cereals and tried something called Kashi nuggets. They looked funny but they were ok.
For lunch I had my typical salad.
For dinner I made this crazy pasta: whole wheat penne pasta is great because there is no difference in taste from regular pasta. For the sauce I used a low sodium red pepper sauce and added garlic, basil leaves, diced tomato, mushrooms, zucchini, and squash. It tutned out awesome.
No dessert tonight.