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Saturday, March 20, 2010


It is very early and the weather has taken an ugly turn. Just two days ago I was running at record speed (for me, which still isn't that fast) through unbelievable 65 degree weather. Now I am running from my car through sleet. That's fine, beause it will make me go to bed earlier so I will be ready for the Shamrock Shuffle tomorrow. The Shuffle is an 8k (about 5 miles) run through downtown Chicago. It is a great time because it is fun (despite the weather) and is one of the rare moments when you get to run, legally, down the center of the streets. Last year was cold and snowing with two inches of slush on the ground that had everyone's feel soaking wet long before the start. Tomorrow will be almost the same, but with only one inch of slush. woo hoo, I guess. Tomorrow will also mark the end of week 3. Since I will be running in the morning, I am preparing my first Engine 2 brunch. This should still be delicious, but we'll see. I have settled into the rest of the diet and feel pretty good. Last night's exploration of vegan pizza was less than satisfying, but it got me through some rough cravings. The re-test is scheduled for 9 AM on March 29. I can totally do this.

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