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Monday, March 1, 2010

Food Journal 1

I woke up this morning ready for a challenge. I hope that continues for at least 27 more days. I started with a snack of a banana, a handful of pistachios and dried cranberries (all raw and unsweetened). Technically, I am supposed to start with a solid breakfast but I was headed to the gym and couldn't handle something heavy. After the gym, I had a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries (see, I'm still doing ok).
Lunch was a very simple WFM pre-packed garden salad. The salad contains a ridiculous amount of greens- it might not look like much until you open it and try to stir in some dressing and then it is some serious business. The salad also includes tomatoes, cucumber slices, A (1) tiny piece of broccoli, shredded carrots, and strips of green and red bell peppers. Unfortunately, there is also a small container of ranch dressing, but that would be like inviting your priest over for Friday night's pot roast. Instead, I got a small container of vegan oil-free balsamic dressing. From this point on, I am just going to call this the WFM garden salad or this will go on forever.
Dinner took longer than I thought. I made a simple stir fry. The brown rice I bought apparently takes FIFTY minutes. Seriously. For rice? I had no idea. The white stuff takes 20. So I ate later than I should but it was good so I was fine. The stir-fry included broccoli, red bell peppers, yellow squash (crooked-neck), zucchini, carrots, bean sprouts, mushrooms, onion, and ginger. Serious business. I also added some ginger-teriyaki cubes from Tempeh-tations.
I stopped eat at 9pm after a small snack of dried fruit and a pear.
I'm sure my cholesterol dropped 1000 points already.

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