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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Exercise Journal 2

I didn't really do anything yesterday. Work required me to walk about 3.5 miles throughout the an 8 hour shift and I did some light stretching after but that doesn't really count.
Today, I walked three miles outside, mainly to and from the gym. While at the gym I made several trips up and down the stairs. I wasn't in the mood for a full run but I also didn't want to do a full lifting day because I was concerned about the diet aspect. Friends have warned that I will get light-headed because of my diet change. I don't think that will really be an issue because I am still eating large portions of a pretty diverse diet (well, diverse other than meat, oils, dairy, and processed grains).
Anyway, my work-out started with a half-mile jog. Then I went upstairs to the weights. I did 3 sets in rotation of the following warm-up: 20 push-ups, 15 30lb standing cable curls, and 20 crunches.
I then went back downstairs and jogged one mile. Then I went back upstairs for another 3 sets in rotation of: 12 standing barbell curls with 40 lbs (50 on last set), flat bench press with 35 lbs on each side (40 each on last set), and 20 knee to chest things (I don't know what they are called, but it is an ab thing).
Again, back down stairs for another mile run before heading back upstairs. Next 3 set rotation of each: 15 seated curls with 25 lb dumbbells, 15 flat butterfly with 25 lb dumbbells, and 15 standing oblique bends with 1 35 lb dumbbell (this one looks like you are in the "I'm a Little Teapot" pose so it is fun to see big guys do it).
One last mile but I was barely jogging this time and feeling it. Back upstairs for a bicep exhaustion. Basically, I grabbed a 20 lb dumbbell and curled until I couldn't control my form. Then switched arms and repeated. Then switched arms again but dropped to a 15 lb dumbbell and repeated. From there, I walked home so I could still get a cool-down completed with stretching. I am never at the gym for more than an hour and a half so this was pretty typical.

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