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Monday, March 15, 2010

Half way there!

Today is Monday, March 15 and that means I have successfully completed two weeks of the Engine 2 Diet. Yes, there are things that I miss, but overall I feel great. I have total confidence that I can survive another two weeks. Over the next two weeks I have to run an 8k, move, and keep up with my actual job. Now that I am settled into the program, I think I will be ok. But I am already starting to think about how this month will effect my long-term life. I definitely have added a few foods and recipes to my general kitchen skills. I have also developed good habits like: eating breakfast ASAP, taking daily supplements, avoiding certain foods, and cutting back on late night snacks. Several people have told me that if I do eat meat again it will probably make me sick. A few others have shared stories of the opposite, so I am still planning a feast of meat and cheese (followed by a nap and then a serious work-out).

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